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King's Crusade believes through awareness and educating those we help, that we will reach our ultimate goal-to help save lives and spare families the pain that addiction can bring. We host fun and educational events in the community, speak at regional events, support community events with information and resource tables, awareness events, we can meet with school systems, government and community leaders to discuss furthering and improving awareness and education in communities. We are highly active in educating through social media, print, and in person as we strive to bring awareness to the cycle of addiction. We work to find the best resources available to those in need of recovery and their families.

Moving People


In America, more than 112,000 people died from a drug related overdose in 2023. This remains a leading cause of death in our nation



King's Crusade strategically builds relationships that help empower and strengthen the people on the front lines who are working to fight against this epidemic and help our friends struggling and those in recovery.

King's Crusade is involved with local community, county and statewide advocacy partnerships including law enforcement, DEA, local county Prosecutor's office, NJ State Police, local recovery center workshops and trainings, NJ Transit PD outreach, street outreaches in Camden and other counties, overdose awareness events, the NJ re-entry program, etc and coordinating awareness and engaging, fun events of our own and attending other allies events.


We are very connected with our "Crusaders" in the recovery community and their families to keep them informed of updates pertaining to our mission. We welcome them to become part of our "alumni" and give back.

Who We Help

Donations raised by King’s Crusade are dispersed as they become available to those that are ready to surrender and start a life of recovery. We help those whose basic needs for intervention, detox, rehab and sober living cannot be met through traditional channels.  Each step is crucial to begin the recovery and healing process.  We are here to support the families of the loved ones struggling and those who have lost a loved one to the battle. 


King's Crusade understands that recovery is a personal process and we meet those wherever they are in their journey.


  • We are non-discriminatory and serve the public on a first need basis.

  • We provide resources to those with or without insurance looking for detox, residential treatment and/or IOP.  

  • We assist those in need of a sober living environment by providing a "gift" through our donations towards the move in fee.

  • We also have the ability through those donations to coordinate transportation to detox/rehab if you have none. 

  • Above all, and most importantly, we believe in a stigma free, understanding and caring environment as we work to help those who need us.


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